About the dessert:
One of the most fastest dishes that I've ever made. trust me its eassire than making Maggie..all it needs is to have the required ingredients, so make a note and shop for the required groceries to make this mouth watering yummy dish which pretty much tastes like junnu. For people who miss junnu... you have a substitute.
Abhi (My husband),doesn't have a sweet tooth at all, but he liked this alot..so guys you have to give it a try :)
Evaporated Milk - 1 can
Brown Sugar - 3/4 Cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Elachi Powder + Black Pepper Powder
1.Whisk the eggs until they are nice and foamy.
2. Add Evaporated milk to eggs and eyeball them.
3. Add sugar and brown sugar and mix them thoroughly until everything melts into the milk.
4.Pour this into a vessel and steam cook it (without a whistle like idly) and note the time.
5.Turn the stove off after 15 minutes (Check the consistency : Jelly like consistency)
Also Called: Milk pudding/Egg Pudding/Junnu
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